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Family Business: It’s All About Balance

Family Business: It’s All About Balance

Have you ever thought about (or maybe you already are) running a business online with your family? As exciting and fulfilling as it may sound, it is definitely a decision worth taking the time to think about. One major consideration is whether/when to look outside the...
What Matters Most for SEO in 2020

What Matters Most for SEO in 2020

What matters most to SEO in 2020 may surprise you. Just like everything in life, good things take time. Despite the many myths you may still be hearing about SEO in 2020, most are just that, myths. Watch the video above to learn about what really matters to SEO in...
Mid-Year Checkup: Your 2019 SEO Efforts So Far

Mid-Year Checkup: Your 2019 SEO Efforts So Far

Remember back on New Year’s Eve, when you made all those promises to yourself about how you’d hyper-focus on growing your business? Well, since you’re sitting at the pool right now, waiting for the fireworks show to start, today is a good day to do a mid-year checkup...
Image SEO is everything. And So Are Images.

Image SEO is everything. And So Are Images.

You spent a lot of time thinking (and probably overthinking) which images to add to your website. But the work isn’t done once you load them. You need to add ‘alt text’ (shorthand for alternative text) to them so that search engines, such as Google, will know what the...
Bigger Isn’t Always Better (Sometimes Less is More)

Bigger Isn’t Always Better (Sometimes Less is More)

The size of your website is not a direct indicator of where you land in search rankings. Bigger is not always better in a world of algorithms. Search engines, such as Google and Bing, don’t give extra credit for sites with more web copy. The copywriting itself must be...