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WordPress and SEO in 2020

WordPress and SEO in 2020

The internet is a big place, so to power around 30% of its websites is quite an impressive claim. It’s a claim that belongs to WordPress, which has steadily become one of the strongest forces for helping the internet function since 2003.  It makes sense why...
SEO Trends to Watch in 2020

SEO Trends to Watch in 2020

SEO Trends to Watch for in 2020 [ctct form=”10884″ show_title=”false”] Every year at Guardian Owl Digital we take a look back and ask the question, “What tactics will move the needle most for businesses in ranking on search engine result pages...
7 Game Changing SEO Tactics in 2020

7 Game Changing SEO Tactics in 2020

7 Game Changing SEO Tactics That You Missed in 2020 From start-ups to scale-ups Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is more important than ever. There is a multitude of “quick fix” SEO tactics that can be completed within 30 minutes to help your business’s digital...