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Think like your customer (and all of those other clichés are true)

Sounds easy enough. Just figure out what your customer is thinking, and lay the bait. The click bait. (That was a terrible pun, so let’s focus on this week’s topic instead.) Every mantra you’ve heard about getting into the mind of your customers is true: You need to...
SEO and PPC: the Perfect Pair

SEO and PPC: the Perfect Pair

In the spirit of love’s holiday, let’s take a closer look at how SEO and PPC make the perfect pairing for your company’s marketing efforts. First, let’s start with a profile of each element: PPC: My full name is Pay Per Click, but just call me PPC. You don’t have to...

Advantages of Outsourcing your SEO (search engine optimization) Efforts

Every business owner’s conundrum: time vs. money. Time is a commodity, just as money is. There is only a finite amount of it in every work week. If you had to assign a dollar amount to every hour of your time, how much would it cost? You started your business because...

Why You’re Business Should Be Using Pinterest In 2019 | Here’s Why

Why You’re Business Should Be Using Pinterest In 2019 Fifty percent of people made a purchase after seeing a Promoted pin and 67% say they’ve discovered a new brand or product from content on the network. If your ideal client or buyer uses Pinterest in their...