by Guardian Owl | Apr 11, 2018 | Digital Insights in 2020
Earlier this year, Facebook broke some bad news. Organic reach is officially being choked, making it harder for brands to reach the audiences they’ve worked so hard to build. Because of this, I believe marketers will look to SEM (search engine marketing) to recapture...
by Guardian Owl | Apr 4, 2018 | Digital Insights in 2020
Quality score is a complex metric because it is a basic but fundamental component of ad rank. Optimizing for quality score is a best practice, except when it isn’t. A high quality score is a sign of account health, except when it isn’t. Like any other paid search...
by Guardian Owl | Mar 1, 2018 | Digital Insights in 2020
Initiating a new Google AdWords campaign is exciting, whether you’re running a small campaign or a large one. To run a successful campaign, follow these seven steps. Businesses are extremely effective when it comes to driving qualified and relevant traffic to...
by Guardian Owl | Jan 26, 2018 | Digital Insights in 2020
This Thanksgiving, you’ll probably hear someone say that the chemical tryptophan that’s found in turkey makes them sleepy. Although this holiday delicacy does include an amino acid that can help you relax, it’s not the only food that contains tryptophan. Cheddar...
by Guardian Owl | Nov 8, 2017 | Digital Insights in 2020
Marketing comes in different forms and it is usually with the purpose of advertising a product, brand or service. In this article, we will discuss one of those forms, namely: Google AdWords What is AdWords? AdWords is a system of marketing products and services on...
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