by Jane Rudnick | Jan 14, 2022 | Artificial Intelligence
It is well-known that artificial intelligence is changing the face of tech as we know it. Social media companies like Facebook (or should we say Meta?) have been upfront and transparent about at least some of the processes they have automated, such as content...
by Jane Rudnick | Jan 4, 2022 | Machine Learning
Outsourcing has been a practice of companies big and small, major and minor, for a long time now, and that process is being streamlined through innovations in artificial intelligence, as seen in companies such as Findability Sciences’ BPO services. BPO stands for...
by Jane Rudnick | Dec 29, 2021 | Artificial Intelligence
“Intelligence” tends to denote how smart a person is, which in turn typically refers to a person’s aptitude for the traditional school subjects like math and science. A person’s ability to understand knowledge and, importantly, apply it, is the measure of their...
by Jane Rudnick | Dec 15, 2021 | Artificial Intelligence
Should I rob a bank if I am poor? Is it okay to clean a toilet bowl with a wedding dress? Can I stab a cheeseburger? These odd questions are some of the examples that are used as examples on the website for Delphi, the prototype of an artificial intelligence moral...
by Jane Rudnick | Dec 15, 2021 | Artificial Intelligence
Many controversies have sprung up in the the world of AI recently, many of which involve the problem of bias or just poor ethical judgment in a machine learning agent. Examples include algorithms that screen potential home renters or buyers having a bias against...
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