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Why You’re Business Should Be Using Pinterest In 2019 | Here’s Why

Why You’re Business Should Be Using Pinterest In 2019 Fifty percent of people made a purchase after seeing a Promoted pin and 67% say they’ve discovered a new brand or product from content on the network. If your ideal client or buyer uses Pinterest in their...

The Dos and Don’ts of Social Media Optimization

When it comes to search engine optimization, it is hard to imagine its existence without social media. The two have been used together so consistently that it is almost impossible to imagine one without the other. And why is that? The two concepts go hand in hand...

Google Al For Digital Marketers in 2019 | 3 Changes You Need To Make Now

Google Al For Digital Marketers in 2019 will change the way you see the industry We have reached a period in our generation where technology is slowly seeping into the micro moments of our daily lives. Whether it’s utilizing Google Home to order a pizza, ask the...