by Jenna | Jan 26, 2020 | Internal Linking
Internal Linking for SEO Let’s talk about internal links for SEO. Content is king only if you have a lot of visitors coming to your website reading the content and Google sees you as authoritative in the subject, thus ranking you higher in the...
by Jenna | Jan 19, 2020 | search engine optimization, Youtube
The Benefit of YouTube Advertising: Is It Worth a Businesses Time & Effort? Online video content isn’t just the future of advertising- it’s already here. As the second largest search engine in existence after Google, YouTube receives 3 billion search queries a...
by Jenna | Jan 3, 2020 | LinkedIn
LinkedIn Marketing & Your Business in 2020 For a very long time, we were very skeptical about LinkedIn and certainly LinkedIn as it applied to businesses. Truth be told, much of our skepticism came from lack of knowledge and an understanding of growth...
by Jenna | Dec 26, 2019 | Best Digital Marketing Insights Online, Business, Digital Trends, Fast Company, Financial, Inc, Internet Marketing, Investment, money, Tech Culture, Women in tech
Looking For a Business Partner? Forbes Feature – Guardian Owl Digital In 2019 I bought out a partner and learned business principles that would be hard to replicate in an MBA program or boardroom. My experience, in particular, started out great — with two people...
by Jenna | Dec 13, 2019 | search engine optimization, SEO
SEO Trends to Watch for in 2020 [ctct form=”10884″ show_title=”false”] Every year at Guardian Owl Digital we take a look back and ask the question, “What tactics will move the needle most for businesses in ranking on search engine result pages...
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