by Jenna | Jan 12, 2021 | search engine optimization, Social Media
Your Social media has extraordinary power to extend your reach, to capture customers and prospects, and to drive sales. But the social channel is often treated like the stepchild of marketing. It certainly gets adopted for the low cost of entry, but maybe for that...
by Jenna | Jan 11, 2021 | search engine optimization, SEO
Guardian Owl Digital was created to help provide integrity and transparency in the chaos of the internet world and certainly, in times of an uncertain future. We have compiled 7 ways businesses can utilize seo and digital marketing to now to help you through...
by Jenna | Dec 8, 2020 | OTT Advertising
It’s no big news flash. Today’s consumer reality revolves around the internet. When it comes to the average American consumer’s shopping, purchasing, and entertainment viewing habits, the internet is at the heart of it all. No surprise, the Coronavirus pandemic...
by Jenna | Nov 28, 2020 | search engine optimization
Machine Learning Executive Education Series Intro 2020 Ok seriously, what is Machine Learning? How often do you click on a sponsored advertisement on Instagram, Facebook, YouTube or any other website? How often do you spot an advertisement on your news feed when...
by Jenna | Nov 10, 2020 | Big Tech, search engine optimization, Tech Culture, Women in tech
The statistics are staggering. Currently valued at nearly $7 trillion, Big Tech’s collective worth is up from $2 trillion only five years ago. (And yep, that’s trillion with a “T”, folks.) How many other industries can boast such an economic impact, not to mention 250...
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