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A Conference of Hackers in Las Vegas Was Held to Test the Limits of AI—Here Is What They Found (And Why It Is Relevant to Your Business in 2023)

A Conference of Hackers in Las Vegas Was Held to Test the Limits of AI—Here Is What They Found (And Why It Is Relevant to Your Business in 2023)

Every year, some of the most skilled hackers in the world—at least, the most skilled hackers who are willing to show their faces in public—assemble in Las Vegas for DEF CON. Upwards of 2,000 hackers were in attendance at this year’s conference, according to a report...
AI in KY: Kentucky Lawmakers Recently Held Hearings About Artificial Intelligence. Here’s What KY Businesses Need to Know About the Status of State AI Regulations 

AI in KY: Kentucky Lawmakers Recently Held Hearings About Artificial Intelligence. Here’s What KY Businesses Need to Know About the Status of State AI Regulations 

People have known for some time that regulations are going to govern A.I. worldwide. You can find examples of this in Italy’s early ban of ChatGPT to the United States Congress getting the wheels going in regulating artificial intelligence. So, things are definitely...
Leading AI Companies Have Agreed to Voluntary Restrictions on AI Development. Here Is How These Restrictions Will Affect Businesses That Use AI in 2023. 

Leading AI Companies Have Agreed to Voluntary Restrictions on AI Development. Here Is How These Restrictions Will Affect Businesses That Use AI in 2023. 

Recently, tech leaders from seven of the biggest names in A.I.—Microsoft, Anthropic, Meta, Google, OpenAI, Amazon, Inflection—met with President Biden to reach an agreement on how A.I. companies should operate, with restrictions in place.  What this resulted in is a...
Recent Class-Action Lawsuits Against Google and OpenAI, and an FTC Investigation Into ChatGPT, Could Affect Businesses that Use AI. We Know an AI Company That Is Safer to Use in 2023.

Recent Class-Action Lawsuits Against Google and OpenAI, and an FTC Investigation Into ChatGPT, Could Affect Businesses that Use AI. We Know an AI Company That Is Safer to Use in 2023.

After a half year and change of unprecedented “go go go” innovation in the world of A.I. led and funded by the biggest names in tech, the legal system is finally giving these companies a clear message through class-action lawsuits: Slow your roll.  Specifically,...
Google’s Newest Reviews System Update Creates New Rules for Business Owners Looking to Outsmart the Algorithm in 2023

Google’s Newest Reviews System Update Creates New Rules for Business Owners Looking to Outsmart the Algorithm in 2023

Optimize Your Web Presence By Following These Rules Google is known for continually rolling out new regulations that online marketers, and the clients they serve, must adapt to in order to retain and gain customer interest—not to mention customers’ dollars.  What...
AI Has Helped the Healthcare Industry Design an Antibiotic That May Eliminate a “Superbug”. Here’s How All Industries Can Benefit from This Kind of AI in 2023. 

AI Has Helped the Healthcare Industry Design an Antibiotic That May Eliminate a “Superbug”. Here’s How All Industries Can Benefit from This Kind of AI in 2023. 

A.I. Saves Researchers Time In Identifying a Good Plan of Action CNN reports that A.I. has recently helped researchers in the healthcare industry develop an antibiotic that could potentially wipe out a form of bacteria that poses a significant health risk.  It is just...
A Columbia University Professor Urges Art Students to “Embrace the Machines” In Digital Storytelling—Here’s How His Lessons Are Relevant to Business Owners Looking to Creatively Collaborate with AI

A Columbia University Professor Urges Art Students to “Embrace the Machines” In Digital Storytelling—Here’s How His Lessons Are Relevant to Business Owners Looking to Creatively Collaborate with AI

A recent New York Times article detailed a professor who is something of an anomaly within the world of education: A teacher who actually wants his students to use AI in the projects that they make for his digital storytelling class.  This graduate course on digital...
Ever Heard of You.com? It Is the Next Big Opponent Against Microsoft and Google in the AI Search Competition. Here’s What That Means for SEO.

Ever Heard of You.com? It Is the Next Big Opponent Against Microsoft and Google in the AI Search Competition. Here’s What That Means for SEO.

If you do not live in Silicon Valley or follow the tech world’s rapid-fire developments, you can be forgiven for not recognizing You.com. You (i.e., you the reader, not You.com) will hear about them soon enough.  However, it will not be long before this San Francisco...
I See You: AI and Facial Recognition

I See You: AI and Facial Recognition

Your average iPhone has multiple cameras and microphones. Your average laptop has at least one of each. It is easy to get paranoid that people are watching and listening in on you when you are least suspecting it. But you can rest easy—it is not people listening in,...
AI Services for the Government

AI Services for the Government

It is well-known that artificial intelligence is changing the face of tech as we know it. Social media companies like Facebook (or should we say Meta?) have been upfront and transparent about at least some of the processes they have automated, such as content...
7 Tips for Implementing AI in Enterprise

7 Tips for Implementing AI in Enterprise

There’s ALOT of talk about AI.   Many digital agencies claim to have it, few actually do.   Most owners we speak to don’t even care to understand it they just want to know how it will impact their business.    If you’re a decision maker, below are a...
How AI is Changing the World of Healthcare

How AI is Changing the World of Healthcare

If we were to tell you that, in the future, many medical processes will be automated, would you be scared or elated?  If you are scared, then you probably need us to elaborate on the exact kind of medical processes that AI is going to be helping with.  Do not worry,...
AI for AG | Ready for Farming 4.0?

AI for AG | Ready for Farming 4.0?

Ready for Farming 4.0? We are.Implementing persona modeling into your farm can make an immeasurable impact on the trajectory of your business.   So what is persona modeling and how does it exactly intersect with agriculture? In general terms, persona modeling involves...
Creative Certainty with AI in 2021

Creative Certainty with AI in 2021

Creative Touch Up is Creative Certainty! Powered by Findability Sciences Touch Up works to improve your company’s marketing strategy before you put dollars behind planned advertising images. This Findability Sciences technology has predicted over a million images and...
Use Local SEO to Own Your Market

Use Local SEO to Own Your Market

A Field Guide to Local SEO Success Want to crush the competition and cultivate more customers close to you?  Here are steps you can take right now to build your online presence and sell more in your area.   Nurture Your Listings. Google My Business is the place...
7 Ways to Jumpstart Your SEO in 2021

7 Ways to Jumpstart Your SEO in 2021

Guardian Owl Digital was created to help provide integrity and transparency in the chaos of the internet world and certainly, in times of an uncertain future. We have compiled 7 ways businesses can utilize seo and digital marketing to now to help you through...
YouTube Ads for Your Ecommerce Business in 2020

YouTube Ads for Your Ecommerce Business in 2020

YouTube is a platform that should be of interest to any businesses  wanting to sell products online. The site hosts a huge audience that is both active and engaged. YouTube boasts roughly 2 BILLION active monthly users, and each session averages around 6 pageviews....
WordPress and SEO in 2020

WordPress and SEO in 2020

The internet is a big place, so to power around 30% of its websites is quite an impressive claim. It’s a claim that belongs to WordPress, which has steadily become one of the strongest forces for helping the internet function since 2003.  It makes sense why...
Why You Should Not Pause Digital Marketing Efforts Amid Virus

Why You Should Not Pause Digital Marketing Efforts Amid Virus

Why You Should Not Pause Digital Marketing Efforts Amid Virus We as Americans have found ourselves in an unprecedented time in recent weeks. It seems more and more restrictions are being placed on businesses and the public each hour. Restaurants and bars closing,...
How Content is Changing for SEO in 2020

How Content is Changing for SEO in 2020

How Content is Changing for SEO in 2020 In 2020, writing the right content will be key for local ranking and increased organic presence. Users (and Google) want content, and it can help your website rank greatly if it’s relevant to your business. Just having...
What is Internal Linking for SEO?

What is Internal Linking for SEO?

Internal Linking for SEO Let’s talk about internal links for SEO.  Content is king only if you have a lot of visitors coming to your website reading the content and Google sees you as authoritative in the subject, thus ranking you higher in the...
LinkedIn Publishes Ad Guide for Marketers in 2021

LinkedIn Marketing & Your Business in 2020

LinkedIn Marketing & Your Business in 2020 For a very long time, we were very skeptical about LinkedIn and certainly LinkedIn as it applied to businesses. Truth be told, much of our skepticism came from lack of knowledge and an understanding of growth...
Looking For a Business Partner? Forbes Featured

Looking For a Business Partner? Forbes Featured

Looking For a Business Partner? Forbes Feature – Guardian Owl Digital In 2019 I bought out a partner and learned business principles that would be hard to replicate in an MBA program or boardroom. My experience, in particular, started out great — with two people...
15 Ways Businesses Can Utilize SEO & Digital Marketing During Coronavirus

SEO Trends to Watch in 2020

SEO Trends to Watch for in 2020 [ctct form=”10884″ show_title=”false”] Every year at Guardian Owl Digital we take a look back and ask the question, “What tactics will move the needle most for businesses in ranking on search engine result pages...
What is Google My Business & Google Maps

What is Google My Business & Google Maps

What is Google My Business & Google Maps A family of four is deciding on a restaurant for Sunday night dinner. The kids are having a hard time agreeing before the parents settle on a local Italian restaurant. They search the location on Google Maps and begin...
A.I. in SEO: Image-Based Search

A.I. in SEO: Image-Based Search

Not having to use language to search is becoming a hallmark feature in the next wave of A.I. search engines. This represents a drift away from exclusively relying on text-based prompts.  The Five Most Key Takeaways from This Blog Post A major benefit here is for those...
Unpacking Visa’s Use Cases for A.I.

Unpacking Visa’s Use Cases for A.I.

Visa has been using much more A.I. in its operations, according to a Wall Street Journal article. That article also detailed that the company has made a hefty $3.3-billion investment in A.I. over the past decade, specifically in generative A.I. The Five Most Key...