The online world is not entirely comprised of websites. It is also the means by which you communicate with your prospects. Yes, email has been around longer than Facebook Messenger or Twitter, and that’s because it is effective at reaching your audience. A...
You simply cannot afford NOT to manage your business’s online reputation. Think of it as a powerful tool in your online marketing toolbox. How did the first marketing pioneers even know what their customers thought of them? A hundred years ago, the only way Coca Cola...
Demystifying Google Analytics in 2020 The very word ‘analytics’ sounds intimidating, especially to a small business owner who barely has the time to peruse Google, let alone use it to grow their own business. The benefit of having data at your fingertips is to...
If you’ve just begun to implement SEO as a way of massively increasing your credibility and website traffic, you’re bound to run into complications and even experience a few slip-ups. Chances are you’ve researched how to successfully optimize SEO but there’s always...
Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of affecting the online visibility of a website in a web search engine’s unpaid results. Higher SEO means that the earlier and more frequent a website appears in the search results list, the more visitors it will...
As if we didn’t already have enough to think about in any given SEO campaign, it is now imperative to separate and refine your approaches to mobile and desktop search. While mobile has become hugely significant over the last couple of years, this shouldn’t be to the...
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