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AI in KY: Kentucky Lawmakers Recently Held Hearings About Artificial Intelligence. Here’s What KY Businesses Need to Know About the Status of State AI Regulations 

AI in KY: Kentucky Lawmakers Recently Held Hearings About Artificial Intelligence. Here’s What KY Businesses Need to Know About the Status of State AI Regulations 

People have known for some time that regulations are going to govern A.I. worldwide. You can find examples of this in Italy’s early ban of ChatGPT to the United States Congress getting the wheels going in regulating artificial intelligence. So, things are definitely...
Leading AI Companies Have Agreed to Voluntary Restrictions on AI Development. Here Is How These Restrictions Will Affect Businesses That Use AI in 2023. 

Leading AI Companies Have Agreed to Voluntary Restrictions on AI Development. Here Is How These Restrictions Will Affect Businesses That Use AI in 2023. 

Recently, tech leaders from seven of the biggest names in A.I.—Microsoft, Anthropic, Meta, Google, OpenAI, Amazon, Inflection—met with President Biden to reach an agreement on how A.I. companies should operate, with restrictions in place.  What this resulted in is a...
Recent Class-Action Lawsuits Against Google and OpenAI, and an FTC Investigation Into ChatGPT, Could Affect Businesses that Use AI. We Know an AI Company That Is Safer to Use in 2023.

Recent Class-Action Lawsuits Against Google and OpenAI, and an FTC Investigation Into ChatGPT, Could Affect Businesses that Use AI. We Know an AI Company That Is Safer to Use in 2023.

After a half year and change of unprecedented “go go go” innovation in the world of A.I. led and funded by the biggest names in tech, the legal system is finally giving these companies a clear message through class-action lawsuits: Slow your roll.  Specifically,...