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The online world is not entirely comprised of websites. It is also the means by which you communicate with your prospects. Yes, email has been around longer than Facebook Messenger or Twitter, and that’s because it is effective at reaching your audience.

A well-managed email address book affords you a great deal of control, or rather, focus. You can specifically narrow your target audience with a multitude of filters that will slice your contacts list in a variety of ways. A successful email campaign almost instantly boosts traffic to your site, as well as increases shares (of either the email itself or your website).

One effective email campaign is the survey tool. Simply ask your customers for feedback about your product or service. (Do everyone with a pile of unread emails a favor, though, and keep it short and simple.) Once the responses start rolling in, compile them, address issues and concerns, and post your solutions. Circling back with respondents to drive traffic again while also ensuring the goodwill of having heard their voice improves (lowers) bounce rates. This is important because sites with high bounce rates typically rank lower in web search results.

Another effective email campaign is what is commonly known as the ‘call to action.’ Your email encourages your prospects to click on a link, or forward the email to their friends, or check out your social media presence. You could even repurpose your blog as a weekly email, which is a great way to stay top of mind with your prospects and customers. Granted, the purpose is to direct them to your site, so a couple of sentences that serve as a recap, along with a link to the full article, are all you need in the body of the email (and the aforementioned people with the metaphorical pile of unread emails will thank you for being short-winded in the email).


All of this traffic increases your popularity in internet searches, thereby driving your site to the top of related search algorithms.