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The Five Most Key Takeaways of This Blogs 

  • ChatGPT has several subscription plans that offer access to things like image-generating A.I. along with customizable chatbots. The most expensive monthly subscription is Enterprise, which does not have a one-size-fits all price tag but rather one of those “Contact Us” buttons. 
  • IBM watsonx offers customizable A.I. as well, but as of this writing the “Standard” feature has a price tag of $1050 per month. 
  • The biggest draw of ChatGPT is that the low-price tiers offer cheap creative gen A.I. suites that can make images, text, and the like. These are user-friendly and perhaps already familiar to many employees who have used the free version of ChatGPT, promising a potentially easy integration. 
  • IBM watsonx, on the other hand, has a longer history and is more trustworthy to hit targets in, say, customer-service chats on your web site. 
  • Depending on the needs of the business, the business may consider investing in both. 

ChatGPT Plus: What a Subscription Gets for You

After ChatGPT’s free-for-all public debut, an optional premium was placed on its services. 

The free version has not gone anywhere, but the pay-to-play version of ChatGPT, which had the word “Plus” tacked onto the end of the name, hit the market at the cost of $20 per month

At first, the selling point was that you would get priority access to its services, along with higher-powered versions of the chatbot. Its massive popularity made it easy to overload ChatGPT’s servers, so some users got to use it while others did not. 

This paid version also features plenty of updates and features from the free version, which is more like a guinea-pig version for Microsoft and OpenAI to figure out what about ChatGPT needs fixing. 

Nowadays, however, you get access to more than just that. For example, you can use DALL-E 3, an image-generating chatbot. 

Now, the public ChatGPT version is still free. And ChatGPT Plus is still available at $20 a month. 

But now there are other, higher-priced subscription options available as well. 

ChatGPT Team, which by design offers an account that many team members can share, plus additional features like higher message limits. As of this writing, this may run you $25 or $30 per month per user. Allow us to reemphasize that part in itals: you are not paying $30 to cover the whole team per month, but $30 per team member per month.   

If you have been thinking about making that investment, you may already have some creative-content strategies that need an A.I. boost. 

Of course, you ought to proofread what ChatGPT writes, but that is after the heavy work is done. Having a human proofreader look over ChatGPT’s work will be essential for any creative strategy. 

A quick fact-check and proofread can be the difference between success and failure. 


Using ChatGPT like an assistant instead of an independent worker is the key here. If this is what you are looking for, then maybe give it a go. After all, it is only a monthly subscription. 


But when considering IBM Watson vs. ChatGPT, if you are looking for something more along the lines of, say, a reliable chatbot that you can leave unsupervised on your website to answer customer-service questions, then consider IBM watsonx. 

IBM watsonx

Yes, we went ahead and used the maiden name, “IBM Watson”, of this platform in the title, but do note that a rebrand is underway where the lowercase-laden “watsonx” is really what the company wants you to call it.

IBM watsonx is more of a full-scale A.I. implementation than the ChatGPT Plus subscription. You would go for IBM watsonx if you need, say, a dedicated chatbot for dealing with customer service inquiries on your web site and/or social media accounts. 


The attraction here, comparing IBM Watson vs. ChatGPT, comes from the fact that many businesses are wondering whether ChatGPT can be a good conversational computing platform for customer service. 


Here is where we would hold off on using ChatGPT, mostly because it is relatively new and, at least for a while in its initial development, not exactly specialized for any particular industry use. 


That is why many businesses turn to IBM watsonx, which comes from technology that has been in a wide range of industries for the purpose of automated customer and client interaction. 


Whether you are in finance or manufacturing or healthcare, IBM’s A.I. can likely help you. 

Also, IBM offers a lot of leeway in being able to build your own A.I. with watsonx. That is a major draw of IBM Watson vs. ChatGPT for business owners who are looking to customize their A.I. implementations, even from scratch like with the IBM Granite models. That build-from-scratch feature also hints that IBM may be better for data privacy. 

It has been employed for years and years in so many industries that it now has an incredibly sophisticated understanding of the kinds of interactions and information that are relevant to particular situations in certain businesses. 

So, if you are looking for more of an all-in integration of A.I., then it may be worth the price.