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The Five Most Key Takeaways from This Blog

  • The option to create Custom GPTs is available to subscribers of ChatGPT Plus, the premium paid tier of the free publicly available chatbot. 
  • You actually do not need to be a seasoned programmer to create one of these custom GPTs. 
  • That being said, one does need a degree of insight into how A.I. works to actually create an effective chatbot. (Hence why there are online courses currently available to help people get better at customizing GPTs.) Otherwise, you may not get what you are expecting. 
  • Custom chatbots in general are meant to solve the problem of finding ways to better integrate A.I. into a specific company. By allowing the company to develop the chatbot according to specific needs for a business. 
  • You need to provide the Custom GPT with specific instructions, which can be quite detailed, so that it can behave in ways the “generic” ChatGPT is less likely to do in regular use. You can also add your own data to the Custom GPT to further train it. But be careful what you share. 
Custom GPTS Offer More Directed Responses from the Chatbot

If you are a business owner already with a subscription to ChatGPT Plus but have not bothered creating a Custom GPT yet, then this blog is for you.

And if you are a ChatGPT Plus subscriber who has not even heard of the Custom GPTs feature, then this blog is especially for you. 

As you could probably glean from the Key Takeaways section above, what you get out of a Custom GPT is a chatbot that is much more attuned to the tasks that you wish to set for it. 

For a business owner this can be quite helpful to have, for it allows for internal use of a Custom GPT within your organization. Just one example would involve using a Custom GPT to generate quarterly reports that are informed by existing raw sales figures fed to the Custom GPT. 

But how do you go about doing this? We have the details below. 

Creating Custom GPTs, the Easy Way

We call it the easy way because OpenAI, the creator of ChatGPT, has made it easy. 

“Easy” in this context means you do not need to get your hands dirty in a command terminal, drafting code to fine-tune some open-source chatbot to your own ends.

Instead, you need not have typed even the elementary coder’s “Hello, world” exercise in the form of print(“Hello, world”). You can be a true greenhand in coding and still create a great Custom GPT. 

All you really need to know is how to give good directions, which as a business owner is something you are doubtless already familiar with. Oh, and you should have some data on hand to feed the Custom GPT. 

Join us below for a general step-by-step! 

Get Your Data Together

You start off by culling data that you believe to be relevant to the Custom GPT’s purpose. Do note that a purpose is something that you should be thinking about. 

Generally speaking, the more vague you are in your aims (“I want a Custom GPT that is like an employee at my company”), the less success you are likely to have in your results. 

That is largely because, as advanced as A.I. is at this point, most A.I. is still pretty narrow in terms of what it can actually achieve, relative to a human. So, think more in terms of specific tasks. Do you want it to help your HR team solve problems? Or help your accountants create better reports? The more specific you think, the better your outcome is likely to be. 

Once you have the chosen task figured out, get some task-specific data together. Make sure this data does not have any sensitive details that you would share with a stranger about your company, your clients, or employees. 

Explore GPTs + Create

So you go to the Explore GPTs sign in your ChatGPT app or window, then you press the +Create button. 

From there, it is pretty easy. In the message bar is a paper clip icon that, once clicked, will allow you to upload data of different types, including HTML files and PDFs. 

After the uploads are done, you can message the GPT with your instructions. What do you want the Custom GPT to be or do? 

Preview and Fine-tune

Do not just give it the instructions and expect perfection. Instead, use the preview feature to test the strength of the Custom GPT. 

You will likely need to experiment to get it to your standards. Giving more detailed instructions and data can be some necessary steps to achieving this. 

Let it know what it is getting wrong, and what it is getting right. This should be like your very own training phase for it. 

Once you reach the point of satisfaction, you can save the GPT and share it with others! (You can also just keep it exclusive to your account.) 

Be apprised that only people with a ChatGPT Plus subscription will be able to access it.